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British English Word Lists
for Spell Checkers

This zip archive contains lists of English words with British spellings. They are intended as replacements for word lists using American spelling.

These lists work with the spell check functions of programs such as the Arachnophilia Web Editor


Version Status
0.1 Initial version
0.2 Lower case words beginning with letters a to c corrected
0.3 Lower case words beginning with letters a to i corrected
0.4 Lower case words beginning with letters a to n corrected
0.5 Lower case words beginning with letters a to q corrected
0.6 Lower case words beginning with letters a to z corrected
0.7 Lower case words beginning with letters a to z corrected (liase removed!)
0.8 Lower case word list a to z updated: Duplicates removed: dachshund, foreboding, garrottes

Normally, short lists of words work better and find more unintended errors than longer lists. Long word lists may leave you with the correct spelling .... but of the wrong word.

The intention is to produce a small reliable useful list of common words. I appreciate reports of any errors.

The original source material contained many errors so it is gradually being corrected, but in spite of this checking, there really is no substitute for a good dictionary. Remember that even Microsoft Word has problems - for example it cannot spell "liaise."

The zipped archive contains three files:

Disclaimer and Copyright

These files are provided "as is" without any warranty. They may be used and copied freely for non-commercial purposes provided that this notice is included. Downloading of the files signifies acceptance of these conditions.

All rights are reserved.

Download the Word Lists

Accept Conditions and Download British English Word lists.
(Version 0.8 zipped text file 270kB, updated 14th April 2014.)

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